linked data / semanticweb/ rdfなマッシュアップへのsuggestion

まずはidをURIで表現して、key-value をpredicateとobjectにすると、とりあえず何でもトリプルにできてマッシュアップできるはず。大抵のトリプルストアは存在していないpredicateでも動作する

thank you! @32nm

jksrc / hg18のENCODE regulation trackの設定



  • top levelは、superTrack (wgEncodeReg)
  • 2nd levelは、container multiWig (wgEncodeRegTxn, wgEncodeRegMarkEnhH3k4me1, ...)
  • 3rd levelにフツーのwig。
track wgEncodeReg
superTrack on show
shortLabel ENCODE Regulation
longLabel ENCODE Integrated Regulation
wgEncode 1
group regulation
priority 1
canPack On

    track wgEncodeRegTxn
    container multiWig
    noInherit on
    type wig 0.00 2716.04
    superTrack wgEncodeReg hide
    shortLabel Transcription
    longLabel ENCODE Transcription Levels Assayed by RNA-seq on 6 Cell Lines
    configurable on
    visibility full
    maxHeightPixels 100:30:11
    showSubtrackColorOnUi on
    aggregate transparentOverlay
    transformFunc LOG
    viewLimits 0:4
    priority 1.1
    dragAndDrop subTracks

        track wgEncodeRegTxnGm12878
        table wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeqRawSignalRep1Gm12878CellLongpolyaBb12x75
        shortLabel Gm12878
        longLabel Transcription of Gm12878 cells from ENCODE
        parent wgEncodeRegTxn
        type wig 0.00 2446.53
        color 255,128,128

jksrc / hgBbiDbLink / bigBedやbigWigファイルをloadする


The database loading procedure is
      hgBbiDbLink hg19 myLocalBigWig /gbdb/hg18/bbi/
which is equivalent to:
  hgsql hg19 -e 'drop table if exists myLocalBigWig; \
        create table myLocalBigWig (fileName varchar(255) not null); \
        insert into myLocalBigWig values
I believe this works even if the entry is a URL to a remote bigWig file.


jksrc / trackDB.ra / Container tracks

とかいいながら、compositeと同じようにグルーピングするスキームとして、'container'というのがある。aggregateできる、ということらしいので、最近ENCODE regulation track用に追加されたコンセプトなのかもしれない。

Container tracks are yet another way of grouping tracks together.  The top
level container track includes a tag of the form
where currently the only container-type is "multiWig" which may only contain
wig and bigWig tracks.   The advantage of using "container multiWig" instead
of a composite track is that container multiWig supports the "aggregate" tag
that allows multiple wiggle graphs to be drawn in the same vertical space.


track wgEncodeRegMarkPromoter
container multiWig
shortLabel Promoter H3K4Me3
longLabel ENCODE Promoter Histone Mark (H3K4Me3) on 9 Cell Lines
type wig 0 30000
viewLimits 0:100
configurable on
visibility full
maxHeightPixels 100:30:11
aggregate transparentOverlay
showSubtrackColorOnUi on
windowingFunction mean
priority 1.4

    track wgEncodeRegMarkPromoterGm12878
    shortLabel Gm12878
    longLabel Promoter Histone Mark (H3K4Me3) on Gm12878 cells from ENCODE
    parent wgEncodeRegMarkPromoter
    type wig 0.00 100593.50
    color 255,128,128

    track wgEncodeRegMarkPromoterH1hesc
    shortLabel H1 ES
    longLabel Promoter Histone Mark (H3K4Me3) on H1 cells from ENCODE
    parent wgEncodeRegMarkPromoter
    type wig 0.00 12434.00
    color 255,212,128